E-Block / Semi Care Units:

Private One Bedroom Units for Sale.

Size and Cost:

  • 36 sq. m (single person) sells for R645,450.00 for life right of which 75.5% of the original price is paid back upon evacuation.
  • 48 sq. m (couple / double) sells for R813,185.00 for life right of which 75.5% of the original price is paid back upon evacuation.

Monthly Costs:

  • A monthly cost of R2,185.00  (single) and R2,915.00 (double) as well as a care levy is charged.
  • Minimum R3,025.00 for a single person per month and R6,050.000 for two people per month.
  • This includes one main meal per day and the cleaning of your unit and weekly laundry.